People need to be able to find you. It’s up to you as a brand to make it as painless as possible for potential customers to locate your products near them (or request it on WeStock if you aren’t in their area yet). Before you go and get set up on the first store locator you can find, let’s walk through a few options and talk about which one might be the best fit for your specific brand.
Why Do I Need a Store Locator
This seems like a natural place to start the conversation, having a “why” is so important when determining which store locator is right for you. Especially if you are an up-and-coming brand you might not see the immediate value of a store locator, there are several reasons why no matter the size of your brand a store locator is a must:
For Established Brands
Destini is the cream of the crop when it comes to store locators and the largest company in the game. But, due to pricing, it can be unapproachable for most emerging brands, making it a better option for larger, more established CPG brands.
Destini uses SPINS data to automatically update where your product is being sold by measuring scan data. Every time your product is scanned inside of a select retailer, the store locator updates. This is critical since most store locators can be difficult to keep updated. There is nothing worse than getting an angry email from your customer because your store locator said something was available when it wasn’t. Destini also has a ton of features and add ons that make it a robust solution outside of just being a store locator. The issues mostly come back to price and the three-year minimum contract, but if you have the budget then this might be the right store locator for you.
For Emerging Brands
Don’t fret if you aren’t ready for Destini yet, there are two other store locators that are a great fit for startups, up and comers, and emerging CPG brands.
It’s time that people know where to find you, make it as easy as typing their zip code into a box. Let us know what store locator you use or if you go with one of these what you think.