Sampling Is Back: How To Have A Successful In-Store Activation

WeStock Team
March 16, 2023

The time has finally come, in-store product sampling is back! For many brands, the last two years meant getting creative when in-store sampling was off the table, now with more stores allowing it again, it’s time to prepare. Below you’ll find our advice on setting up successful in-store activations and get people not only to try your product but to toss it in their cart too.

Decide to Outsource or Not

If you are an involved founder of course you want to be the one sharing your story and interacting with the customers, but sometimes that isn’t the best choice or not even a possible one. Depending on the retailer(s) it may be a better solution to outsource. There are a few options. 1. Hire an independent ambassador to go on behalf of the brand 2. Hire a field marketing agency to take it off your hands. Both can be great options and it will come down to budget and time. Do you have time/want to be more involved and directly oversee someone or do you want everything to be done for you?

Get Your Sales Pitch Ready

No matter who you have handing out samples in store, it’s important they have a clear spiel and messaging to lean on. Work with your team, or even an external brand messaging expert or copywriter to craft a clear, concise, authentic, and engaging pitch. Finding the sweet spot between too salesy and too casual can be a challenge but it’s worth it.

Don’t Forget About the Staff

While you might have all eyes on the customers walking the aisles with their shopping carts, don’t underestimate the power of having employees that love your product. Bringing samples for the staff and being friendly can not only leave an impression, but it can make them more likely to recommend it to customers. It’s basically free influencing at a micro level.

Consider Having Other Thank-You’s

While a sample is great, consider if a small useful merch item or coupon would be a nice way to thank those who come to try your product and give them a way to remember you.

Have an Easy Way to Collect Emails

Not everyone will be up for leaving one but if you leave an enticing offer ie: “if you leave your email you’ll get x.” That can be a valuable way to capture those customers and reconnect with them after the fact. It can be helpful to input those emails right away and have an email sequence that thanks them for stopping by and gives them something exclusive the day after.

Leave it Better Than You Found It

It may seem simple but leaving a good impression with the retailer is so important. You’d be surprised how many brands pretend they own the place and don’t treat the facilities, or employees as well as they should. Ensure a thorough cleanup when you pack up as well as a big thank you to management before you head out.

Let WeStock Help

An easy way to capture emails and prove your interest to the retailer is to put your WeStock request form on a QR code at your booth. Encourage people to request that retailer or others in the area and offer an incentive if they do like a discount or entering into a drawing. Then after you pack up you have new emails to connect with and valuable data to share with buyers.

In-store sampling can sound complicated and stressful, especially after a big break, but it’s a great way to get in-person feedback from your target market and build rapport with your retailers.

Have questions on how WeStock can support your in-store activations? Drop us a line.

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